English Version
gothique et romantique

I think of you

Publié le 9 Jan 2013


If you could hear me, I would tell you to tighten the hands towards this setting sun. To look at taking shape on the sea of clouds your name, your first name. I would shout you to seize this world which extends. It is with your image, make beauty, of infinite, compassion. I would push you with tightening the hands towards this gold sun. Its color in the light of your hair. Its magnificence has your pace. Seize it, steals it, carries it like a conquistador. Flee with for eternity. Become eagle, extend your wings. Plane above mountains and of the plains, bathes in the depth of this sky. Time had just penetrated by the gold door in its vastness. To taste salt, to delight you of it of his honey. But, you are not here. I think of you as soon as a thing fills with wonder me.

le sang de la nuit, la naissance de l'ange, decouvrez le dernier roman de steffan urell

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