I am the phantom of your nights. The angel which accompanies your trouble. Wings spread on the wide one as of your naked dreams. Traversed crystals of freezing. Brilliances in the middle of a half-light which bewitches you. Behind the bars of your dungeon. Captive of your jumps behind. Mutilating the dash of your passions. If you wanted to intend me to whisper you. Words awaking your imagination. I will speak to you about the wind. Cherishing your body, dishevelling your hair flying away. All these feelings plowing you. Of a blade slicing the nerves of your bitter dreams. During in scraps at the end of your skin. I will bring back for you to the life. Concerning the derm of this infinite hope. To climb there high. To breathe the air beyond your barriers. Leaving far behind. Stench of these vapors which point out you. Peat where your steps were limed. Plugged with the idea to be locked up. In the meanders of your past to avoid fighting. If, you listened to me, you could hear. Your heart which wants to beat, your body to play about. But it would be necessary that you want. To return to the life. I am the phantom of your nights. The angel which accompanies your trouble. I weary myself. You weary me. Your sad mine, your gray dreams. Little by little is very erased. In the dust of a thinned down skeleton. I could perhaps make the miracle. To pulverize all your obstacles. To manufacture you a horizon which does not turn in round. Te drawing a sky, suns, a universe without similar. But you could not taste honey of it. I know it, I am the phantom of your nights. The angel which accompanies your trouble. I turn around you. I drown. In the black lake of your despair. Without managing to color the wild waves. Who come close to you to fail themselves. I cannot save you. Even less to help you. I am the phantom of your nights. The angel which accompanies your trouble. My powers are not infinite. I will have to give up you. With the regret to be able to help you. Only behind these barriers. That your body, your heart, manufactured. They protect you, maintain to you in life. Until the evening of infinite of your nights.